
Age up to 4 years is considered critical in terms of the possible development of strabismus. Strabismus is not only a cosmetic defect that causes psychological problems, but also a severe functional defect, which is often accompanied by a pronounced decrease in the vision of the squinting eye.

Causes and symptoms of strabismus

At birth, a child is unable to recognize objects, fix them with two eyes.  Given the immaturity of the child’s visual system, a failure in the formation of joint perception with two eyes (binocular vision) occurs easily. There can be many reasons for the development of strabismus in children:

  • Neurological status (disorders, consequences of severe birth trauma, infectious brain damage, etc., muscular balance is disturbed in each eye and in both eyes – strabismus occurs. As a rule, such strabismus is characterized by an early onset – up to 6 months or up to 1 year).
  • Refractive errors (myopia, astigmatism, high farsightedness, anisometropia (the difference in refraction of two eyes is more than 1.0 diop.)
  • Heredity (the presence of strabismus in at least one of the parents or close relatives increases the chance of a strabismus in a child).
  • Inadequate visual stress.
  • Common serious illnesses, mental stress, trauma.

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